I emailed you an entry and I don’t see it published. Where is it? 
We are saving a bunch of entries to publish on Friday and Saturday. We also didn’t realize this would get so big, so it’s taking us time to upload everything. UPDATE: We got so many entries that we are, happily, swamped and trying to figure out what to do next. We entered everyone who sent in a useable photo as an email and who made the deadline of midnight on Jan. 20. We did not publish some people who were only temporarily injured or who explicitly mentioned that they were not disabled themselves (this was to save labor). We have a batch of people who used the automatic form on Jan. 19 that we have not gone through yet, and that will be our first priority in the coming weeks.

Who is running this?
We are all volunteers and entering each entry by hand.  We are a group of friends who met through writing communities and organizing around chronic pain and invisible disabilities. We are not affiliated with any organization, but maybe we will start one after this! If you have ideas for what to do after this, please join us at the “Disability March” group on Facebook to share your thoughts!

When will all the entries be published?
All the entries were published as of Jan. 29, 2017, and we are closed for further entries.

I noticed an error on my published entry. What should I do?
Please email us at disabilitymarch@gmail.com and we’ll try to correct it.

Why did you publish me in a block of text entries?
In many cases the links to photos that were sent were to parts of Facebook that our team didn’t have access to. For example, you might have the photo set to where only your friends can see it. To make things go more quickly, it became more difficult to save the text entries and follow up with each on. If, after your entry is published and things calm down next week (that is, as calm as they can be), you can email us with a photo and we will create a proper entry for you.

Who’s paying for this?
The entire effort so far has cost $18 to get a site name without the “wordpress” in it.

Will you do a Disability March for my organization?
No, but you can do your own! We hope the model is something that will spread!