Action for Feb. 7, 2017: Save EAC

Hello friends,

We at Disability March are asking you to contact the Committee on House Administration TODAY to request that they reject Bill HR 634, which would terminate the Election Assistance Commission.


Yesterday, the CCD (Consortium for Citizens with Disability) sent a letter to Representatives Gregg Harper, Chairman, Committee on House Administration and Robert Brady, Ranking Member, Committee on Administration.

The bill would terminate the Election Assistance Commission, which works to ensure accessibility for disabled voters in the voting process (including accessibility at polling places). This bill would send the EAC mission back to the Federal Election Commission. The FEC is one of the agencies that are going to be starved by the Republicans to decrease access for all voters, not just the disabled.


Please contact the committee directly at…/contact-…/email-house-administration
with “EACTA” in the subject line.

Let the committee know that the commission should not be terminated because they provide a vital service to disabled persons whose accessibility to polling places and the voting process is still well-behind those of the non-disabled community.

